Weeks 1-15 Focus:
Religion vs. Relationship
John 14:6 &
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 14:6 (KJV)
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV)
(8)For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God:
(9)Not of works, lest any man should boast.
People in Prison with Purpose
Ministry (PPPM)
Our People in Prison with Purpose Ministry (PPPM) is a ministry that involves those who are incarcerated and may be experiencing a sense of helpelessness, hopelessness, and homelessness. The PPPM's goal is to administer the Word of God to both incarcerated men and women with LOVE and COMPASSION in an effort to empower, encourage, educate, enable, and edify all of those who are assigned to our ministry. Finally, it is our ministry's goal that we will play an important role in helping to transform their lives by teaching them these important principles:
1. God has given each one of them PURPOSE
2. God has given each one of them POTENTIAL
3. God has given each one of them POWER
Our Schedule for this Semester
at the Indiana Women's State Prison (IWP):
Wednesdays: 6:30pm-8:30pm - Bible Study
Thursdays: 6:30pm-8:30pm - PLUS Unit Group Sessions
Our focus and lesson text for this semester with the women's prison ministry Bible Study Class is centered on making sure the women understand the difference bewtween RELATIONSHIP vs. RELIGION. We will be utilizing the BIBLE for our teaching in an effort to show that God is more concerned with our RELATIONSHIP with Him through His Son, Jesus then our RELIGION with each other.
For the PLUS Unit Group Sessions, we will be studying from the Theme:
but it is the ANSWER for my ANOINTING.
Please keep FMM in prayer as we go into IWP to preach, teach, heal, deliver, and set free the spiritual souls of those who often are lost and need to be saved.
For the last three years, FMM has supplied the women in our classes as well as others who are incarcerated with the Life Application Study Bible (paper back style) in an effort to help them become more equipped and sufficient in their attempt to BETTER understand the Word of God.
We believe this Bible provides them with the various learning components and tools that will help make it very easy for them to read, study, research, learn, and apply the Word of God to their lives.
Therefore, we are continuously seeking those people who feel led to plant a financial seed into the lives of these men and women who are incarcerated by donating $16.00 per Bible. Although the Bibles are normally in the cost range of $29.00-$23.00, we have been able to purchase them anywhere in the cost range of $15.50 - $16.00 a Bible through various online discounted Christian bookstores and other venues.
If you would like more information on how you could participate in this very important endeavor, please feel free to contact us through email at revfrankie@frankiemortonministries.org or simply select the CONTACT US button on our website menu for additional contact options.
THANK YOU in advance for sowing in the lives of those who are incarcerated and in need.
Rev. Frankie Morton
Please read the Terms and Agreement page BEFORE making a donation.
The Life Application Study Bible (NIV)
I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Matthew 25:36
Women Behind Bars at the
Indiana Women's State Prison (IWP) are Discovering Their Purpose
Women at the Indiana Women's State Prison (IWP) are having major break throughs while studying the DIFFERENCE between having RELIGION vs. having a RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST. Discovering their purpose has been a blessing to them as well. The People in Prison with Purpose Ministry (PPPM) Team this semester is to help EXPLAIN and EXPLORE to them the difference between the two through the Scriptures, especially John 14:6 and Ephsians 2:8-9.
Understanding the difference between RELIGION and a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ is helping the women grasp and better understand what is going on in their own individual spiritual lives.
Our teaching involves making sure that they know that RELIGION can be very different than having a RELATIONSHIP with God through Jesus Christ. RELIGIONS are MANMADE, and are based on trying to get to God through rules and regulations and works. MANMADE RELIGIONS all are based on people's efforts at reaching God and being made right with Him through their own efforts.
We let them know that God's plan for man's salvation and for being right with Him is told throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament. God's plan is not based on people's efforts and good works, but is based on His AMAZING LOVE and AMAZING GRACE for us; His plan involved His precious Son Jesus paying the price and cost for our sins on the Cross.
Finally, we assure the women that they need to INDIVIDUALLY place ALL of their TRUST and FAITH in JESUS and in what He did for us on the CROSS, and not in any RELIGION or in their own efforts. We ENCOURAGE each one of them to put their TRUST and FAITH in JESUS, and ACCEPT His GIFT of SALVATION and ETERNAL LIFE, and EXPERIENCE the JOY of having a right RELATIONSHIP of LOVE with GOD through His Son, JESUS.
Please continue to keep them in prayer as well as the PPPM team as we work together to bring about a permanent change of RENEWAL and RESTORATION in the lives of those who are struggling to find HELP and HOPE in their lives.
PPPM Ministry Team
Rev. Frankie Morton
Sis. Fannie Earbin
Sis. Diane Mills
Min. Avis Frieson